Photos: Yana Lozeva for Fine Acts

Photos: Yana Lozeva for Fine Acts


We, the people with disabilities, are here. To live our dreams. And take charge of our lives.

Join us in our efforts to end guardianship worldwide.

Today, tens of thousands of people with intellectual and psycho-social disabilities are not allowed to participate in society. They can’t work, marry, vote, access health, own funds, or be free. Everything is decided for them. This is called guardianship. 

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, calls for all forms of guardianship to be abolished. However, it continues to be the paradigm throughout the world. Sign the petition to end guardianship in Bulgaria! 

This campaign began in Bulgaria, where it is implemented by the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law and the Bulgarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities. The concept and production of all creative products is by Fine Acts.


This is a unique open-license campaign. In 2021 Fine Acts will publish all campaign materials under an open license, including videos, photos, and zine, allowing activists and advocates anywhere in the world to use and adapt them in their local campaigning. Let us know if you are interested – drop us a line at hello [at] fineacts [dot] co.